Next year we'll be back with Arraiá from Projeto Brasil, in the meantime, take advantage of the activities below to talk with your child about the June party, share your experiences, cook typical dishes, play games and learn music too.

Have you ever attended a June party?

Watch the video below and draw or make a list of the things you like about the June party.

Have you ever danced a square dance?

See what a fun dance. Have you ever participated? Ask Mom or Dad to teach you some parts and have fun together! Don't forget to put the music on!

Activities to print

Choose some activities below to complete.

Festa Junina Games

Festa Junina has many games! Watch the video to know some. Talk to Mom or Dad about what games you liked when you were your age. 

How about creating some games at home? You can take empty bottles and fill them with water to create the ring game or empty cans to create the dropping can game. What else can you create? See below for some ideas.

Typical meals

There's nothing better than the typical foods of the June party!! Talk to Mom or Dad about the ones you like best. How about making popcorn from a pot or popcorn maker with your child? Or boiled corn for dinner? And you, if you've participated in a June party, what's your favorite food or sweet?

How about family cooking?
Watch the videos below and choose a recipe!

traditional music

Now it's time to learn some traditional songs!

How about playing a joke? Make a “bonfire” using your creativity and play jumping the fire while listening to the music. Every time you hear “jump bonfire” just skip the bonfire. You can use floor pads to be your fire pit or build one out of Legos or whatever recyclable material you have at home. You can also build a bonfire like the example below:

Dancing Corn Experience.

Do you like to experiment? This one is super cool! Watch the video below to learn how to do it.

Materials you will need: vinegar, water, popcorn and baking soda, tray

Dancing Popcorn with Sung Word

How about learning this super cool game?

Learning more about Festa Junina

What did you already know about Festa Junina? What have you learned again?

Now it's time to get your hands dirty!

Choose one of the art activities below to do or you can do both. Bring it to the next class to show it to the class. If you don't have the materials below, get creative!

Time to watch!

Do you know the Sítio do Picapau Amarelo gang? This drawing is about this gang preparing for a June party. I think you will enjoy it a lot!