Let's have fun with funny books, Brazilian games, fun songs and music!

Story Time

Let's hear Eva Furnari's funny story “Assim Assado” told by Carol Levy.

Now it's your turn!

So did you like the story? Pretty fun, right? The writer, Eva Furnari, created several sentences without a head or a head. Do you know what this is? These are nonsense things, for example: playing football with a square ball is meaningless, isn't it? Can you think of something without a head or a head? Write your sentence and make a really cool drawing and share it on the activity wall below.

Materials: pencils, paper, colored pencils, crayons or pens

Writing in Portuguese!

Did you see the title of the book above? “Assim Assado” Did you notice that the two words have two Ss? In Portuguese we use two Ss between two vowels (a, e, i, o, u) to make the sound of S. If there is an S between two vowels the sound of the letter S becomes Z: wing (as a bird wing) or house . Did you see the difference? Shall we practice doing the activity below?

Materials: printer, pencil

Shall we jump rope?

We have several rope games. One is Salad, salad. Watch the video below to see how he plays.

Now it's your turn! Let's play

You can play with whoever is at home with you or you can play by jumping rope alone. You just need a rope. The letter of the parliament is below to be able to learn!

Salad, salad
Salad, salad
Well seasoned
With salt, pepper
Fire, little fire. (hits rope really fast)

Let's sing?

Are you ready for a really funny song? It is the song of “Barata Alienígena” with Grupo Triii. Are you ready to have fun?


Have you heard this story: “Even Princesses Pum” by Ilan Brenman? It's super cool! Shall we watch the video?

Now it's your turn to create!

How about making a farting machine? That's right! Watch the tutorial to learn and have fun!

Materials: a piece of wire, pliers, a ring, two rubber bands

Let's Play?

Shall we practice words with S and SS with 2 little games? Print the memory game and the word-forming game below and have fun!

Let's play? Slaves of Job

Shall we learn to play Job's Slaves? Learn and then play with your family!

Fun Parlenda!

Shall we learn to recite a parlenda? Watch the video of Palavra Cantada and then practice several times using the text below. In the video there are other very nice parlendas. How many can you learn?

Now it's your turn to create!

How about making a little book to illustrate this parlenda? Don't forget to share on the Activity Wall below.

One two
Beans with rice

Three four
Beans on the plate

Five six
Speak in English

Seven eight
Eating cookie

Nine ten
Eating pasties

Inventing fashion!

Do you like playing clay? How about making your own play dough? For this activity you will need the help of an adult.

Click the button to choose one of 9 different play dough recipes.

Till next week!

I hope you are enjoying the activities! Remember to share your creations on the Activity Wall below.

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