We have several activities to celebrate Folklore Day!

Shall we listen to a story?

Listen to the story “A Contagem dos Sacis” by Monteiro Lobato told by Fafá Conta Histórias.

How to Make a Pula Saci

If you watched Live with Aunt Alê telling the story of Pedrinho and Saci, you saw that she taught you how to make a very cool Saci. Watch the tutorial below from Professor Owl to see the step by step of how to make this Saci jump. It is also worth using your creativity and creating a Saci using other materials.

For this tutorial, you will need:

  • 1 roll of toilet paper
  • Red paper or white paper and colored pencils or red crayons
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pens or crayons or paint and brush
  • 1 popsicle stick
  • 1 kabob stick
  • adhesive tape

Let's play Corre Saci?

You will need a red hat or scarf (or any color). Form a circle and sit on the floor. A child stands outside the circle with the hood in his hand. At the rhythm of the ciranda, everyone sings (Adapted from Corre Cutia):

Corre, saci. Não pode cair
Corre veloz, com uma perna só
Carapuça na mão
Caiu no chão
Menino esperto
Do meu coração.
Saci: Pode jogar?
All: Pode!

At this moment, players lower their heads and cover their eyes. The child outside the circle drops the hood behind one of the children. When the child finds the hood, the chase begins. Whoever has the hood is the catcher, and the child who was going around the circle must run and sit at the empty spot on the circle.

Taken from https: //colecionadordesacis.com.br/2018/11/15/brincadeiras/

Legend of Saci-Pererê

Let's watch!

Download Activities

Download, print and complete the activities below:

Saci in the Bottle?

You have learned that the only way to control a Saci is to remove its cap and place him in a bottle. Trapped, and without the cap that gives him powers, Saci stops mischief.

To place a Saci in the bottle you will need

  • a small transparent bottle;
  • black paper;
  • a piece of red TNT;
  • a piece of cardboard;
  • White glue;
  • scissors;
  • nylon wire

Cut the saci according to the pattern. Glue the scarf, eyes, pipe and mouth. Glue a piece of nylon thread to the cap. Then, fold the sachet in half to get it into the bottle. Drill a hole in the cover and thread the nylon thread through it.

Let's play Saci de Cor?

One participant is chosen to be the master, wearing a red cap or a hat or cap. He stands in front of the others and says:

  • Master: Saci of color!
  • All: What color?

Saci then screams the name of a color and the others rush to touch something that has that color. The further away the color access, the more difficult the game gets.

Taken from https://colecionadordesacis.com.br/2018/11/15/jokes/

Let's watch a cartoon!


Let's do a Fold?

You need a square paper. You can use white paper and then color the red cap. Cut the paper into a square before starting and paint one side of the paper red.

It's time to listen to music!

Listen only to the Saci-pererê song sung by the Folklore Gang.

How about listening again and illustrating the song? Share it on the Activity Wall!

Now it's time to share!

Upload a photo or video of your creations. For every activity you post, you'll have a chance to compete for the prize! Remember to enter your name, age and email address of a parent.

You can take a photo directly on the Wall or even shoot it. You can record audio by singing a song you have learned. Click on the 3 dots below the camera icon to see all the ways you can share your creation.

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